I visited Kafley family at the Pines. They have plenty of furniture...fully loaded house and huge tv. Not sure what she meant, Helen, that she said they have no furniture. Maybe they have no furnishings, like towels, soaps, etc.??? I have soap to take to them tomorrow, as well as toilet paper. I took clothes for the kids and some used toys...all of which came out of the storage unit that Billie Scott ( Amanda Dalton's mother) gave us to use for refugees. The two kids were there with three cousins, and they got sooooo excited with the few toys....Thanks be to God I took numerous toys, not just two. whew....could'a been ugly! I also put in a few used handtowels/kitchen towels. She was very disappointed you were not with me, Helen, and had difficulty understanding that you work more than full time.
This was a good example of the importance of checking out a family's status before planning on gifting them with anything, not that we had planned but we were definitely concerned.
I also gave a small bag of used boys clothes to the Das grandparents for the 8 year old.
Woodbridge (19th and Glendale):
Visited with the Christian family at Woodbridge...I struggle to remember their names! Gave them the table I'd promised them last week and a lamp. Then visited the NEW Adhikari famiy at Woodbridge M252....all want to come to church of 5. These are some relative of Kamala's. not related to Glenrosa Adhikari. Gave them a lamp and a few bars of soap I happened to have in the car and some bath and hand towels. They have a couch and dining table and beds. I have 2 tv's, for both Woodbridge families, IF the tv's work...I haven't had time to check them out. Tika said they have only a change of clothes each so I will deliver some used clothes to them tomorrow.
Most of this "stuff" has come out of the storage units, run through the Truman Laundry, and out the door!!! FREE!!!!
I have NOT given away the third DVD player since I figured we need to be very intentional with where these DVD players go. My personal opinion is for those families who share their resources and will share the DVD as a resource. Maybe something to talk about at our next meeting.
Tika went with me and is such an outreach pro not to mention how he handles so well putting off tea at every household!!! He talked to Mr. Adhikari about coming to church so we can pray for him....Mr. A. has many injuries from the torture he suffered in Bhutan. I thought that was so touching, Mike, that your practical yet deep lesson was already being shared to others and taken to heart!!
Also, something might want to alert the planning committee to.....everyone is excited to come to the "picnic" on the 15th. We need to be sensitve to the real purpose of that event and figure out how to fit in our new friends appropriately. To continue to win over Trinity family members to join in our ministry, we need to think ahead about how to prevent (I don't know the right word...) the chaos and noise that often accompanies our friends, when/if the Trinity family has the presentation time for the Benadoms. I don't mean to offend anyone with my suggestion, but just to be direct and think ahead so please forgive me if I am mis-stating something.
Glen Rosa: I talked to Donna Buckles at LSS, and she agreed the remaining Bhattrai family should go to the Pines,with the hope that Gopal's household could move up there eventually. Gopal is considering that his parents should live at Camelback so they are happier having friends and more support. I told Donna about Mr. B's anxiety condition, lack of sleep, ER visit, etc. Gopal will be encouraged by some support from his other siblings. Mon needs to start job search. ...not sure where she stands on that.
Carol Brady has a folding wheelchair that she is giving to Mr. Adhikar!!!! Wooo hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was very relieved because he feels so bad about how hard it is (isn't really) to deal with the other chairs. Yea God!!
Last but not least, the ladies' Wednesday morning Bible study has taken interest on helping us and our friends. They are collecting soaps, etc. AND they are arranging to do simple manicures on Wed. March 11 at the Pines, for primarily our Nepali community friends. They hope to give away a manicure kit to lots of women.....but will need lots of stuff so if you know anyone who could help let me know....
Congratulations again, Mike and Julie and now counting the days to the wedding!! Hang in there!!
FYI: I took Shadikshya to the nursery and stayed with her.......she was fine, after she cried all the way over there and gave me every dirty look she could summon (seriously!). I know how to say "I'm sorry" in Nepalese, so that helped a bit but not much. I've talked to Chandra about doing this but she won't let her cry and leave her. So I had told her that I'd be willing to stay with Shadikshya to get used to the nursery. It's GOOD for her so she can be around other children and be exposed to some toys, and get used to being OK while mom is gone. She was enthralled with the other kids...she needs to be there so if I kidnap her again you'll know why! Chandra may be working every Sunday, like she was yesterday.
Seema, Roma, and Kehm all seemed very happy in Miss Carol's class. Now Miss Carol is going to have to recruit more helpers! What a great problem to have!!!!!