Thursday, May 14, 2009

Teaching tools:

Judy asked for these websites, and I thought a few others might use them as well.

1) Many of our friends don't know how to write their names in english, especially quite a few of the women. This free worksheet maker allows you to type in anything and it will form it into a printable worksheet. One key is to have them start the lines on the yellow or bigger dots. That's important for future writing skills, I'm told.

2) The Dolch word list gives us the most commonly used words; flash cards can be made easily for those with some basic skills. There are progressive levels of difficulty. I think this would be a good project for some of the parents to cut and paste the words to make flash cards for their the Ram family, Tika's girls, Nepal family.

Also, just as an FYI, I learned that Hari Rizal's sister gets ASL tutoring once a week. We shared a special moment at the art museum when she was really drawn to a painting of a young boy who looked very sad. Krishna signed "boy" and I mimicked tears coming down my face, and she smiled and nodded and we put together the sentence about the sad boy together! It was cool. It exhausted my ASL knowledge but it was cool! She later went up to Sandy Boettger to show her the picture and signed to her about the sad boy. I need to let that teacher know she's making an impact!


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