Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank you Stan for being available. Now our goal is to have each apt complex "car" captain call you when he and the last pick up is done, instead of calling Carla. You will then in turn call Carla when all complexes are complete, so she can STOP wondering if every one got picked up. I have already instructed Tara at the "Pines" and he has your cell # in his cell. All other drivers should have Stan's cell as their contact person to see where they are needed best. This should be one less item off of Carla, Helen & Elvern's plate.

I'm not sure what happened with the bus transportation today. Kamala & Kumar Das and at least onw group didn't get to Annex until 9:15A and a 3rd group arrived at 9:45A. I think Kamala Das said that one of the buses was late. Not sure what happened with the 9:45A group, nor which complex they came from. Stan it would be most helpful that you work with the Nepali transportation "bus" captain, the one that is designated to go on the bus, that they leave in one group and return in one group as much a possible.

Carla did a G R E A T job in explaining safety, 911 today....her flash card system was extremely helpful, she may not be an artist, but she got the message across very effectively.

Since this was my 1st visit in the annex class, I could see structure is (or has already been) starting to form. Anne and the Nepali women had the snack table set up and organized. Champa & Purna were on the job, by being at the snack table to help and assist.
The table for attendance and name tag was very helpful. Helen, that was the best idea for the day. To see the names was so helpful for so many of us that don't see the our friends on a regular basis like you and Carla. Awesome!!! Carol Brady and I kept a presence near the clothing distribution and never left it unattended, even when I was the only one in the Annex for 20 minutes, while Carla left to do the volunteer table, and Carol B hadn't come in from 1st hr worship. It is in the walking to the bathroom, or waiting in line for it that gets wandering eyes on the clothes. Carla helped with any distribution at the end of 2nd hr, which was working just great as they stood in line.

I left for my 2nd hr and missed Zach's worship and Barbara's teaching. How did that go?

I was truly blessed by a wonderful sight today. I had to go looking for Champa in 1st hr service, (not know she was in the nursery!) for her to return to the annex to interpret for Carla. The choir was singing, I sat own to scope the crowd. As I looked in the "normal" section of the church where our Nepali friends sit, I saw an elderly Nepali women, just gingerly clapping her hands to the music, with a sweet smile on her face. She was in a row by herself, with the exception of one American couple way at the other end. She was enjoying herself...she knew she wanted to be in that worship service instead of class. As we had discussed at our Wed night mtg, it should be their choice where to be during 1st hr, and that elder women spoke volumes to me today.


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