Wednesday, December 10, 2008

From Carla:

Stopped by around noon to confirm a few task appointments. Found Uma and Tika just leaving to walk to Cholla library to look for Uma's lost library card. Uma was and is very upset that she lost her card. They had already backtracked by foot most of the way and couldn't find it, so I drove the three girls and a friend to the library and we cancelled her card so that no one else could use it. In order to get another card Tika has to take her with his passport ID and $2.

Late this afternoon we returned to pick Tika up so that Billy could teach him how to use lawn equipment. He mowed and mowed and mowed.....and mowed and mowed and mowed....and we don't have that big of a yard, but he didn't want to stop even after re-mowing the same grass. I had to actually grab the mower and stop him to explain that if we wanted to get the front yard done, he had to stop mowing the back yard! Then he mowed and mowed and mowed the front yard, which is just dormant bermuda grass. At least the back yard was lush winter grass, but this was just mowing the same dead grass over and was so funny. I guess he was practicing which was perfectly fine with me. He used the weed-eater/trimmer a little bit and was very thorough, and then used big pruning shears to trim back the rose bushes. I explained a few times how big hotels (like the Sheraton that Mike had taken him to) have groundskeepers, and that if he knows how to use these tools it might help him get a job. Billy and I tried to keep busy working alongside him without overtly keeping an eye on him, but I wanted to be careful that he was safely learning.

Once back at their apartment, Kamala was at language class and Tika said he didn't want to go since we had just got back and it had already started. He said he was frustrated about getting a cell phone. I was very confused because Mike had already added minutes to the go-phone. Tika said he has $50 cash and wants to buy a cell phone that can call Nepal. Mike had explained to him earlier that the contracts are very expensive and are not a good idea, but apparently Tika needs some more explanation along those lines. Tika was not happy with the go-phone because it can't be used to call Nepal, so I clearly explained that calling NEpal is a luxury that he can't afford now and likely won't be able to afford later. I explained the difference between necessities and luxuries, used examples and reminded him that he will have to pay rent very soon and will have bills to pay. I emphasized that the go-phone is for calling Ganga, for job hunting and applying, and for calling his TBC team members....necessities only. The girls and I reminded him that Helen had taken them to the PO and that it is much cheaper to write letters, or he can email. I also reminded him that he will need money for the bus to get to work and back and that is going to be a lot of money over time. He looked very dejected after this conversation, but it could be he was just tired since he'd been on the go all day and hadn't even had dinner yet. Between Tara's money, Purna's American Express gift card and his cash, they have $90. I know the girls don't want to part with their money, but eventually they will all have to pitch in in order to make ends meet.

Ganga said the girls will start attending school this Monday. I'm pretty sure it won't be a full week of school and the high schoolers will be on a different schedule for final exams so it will be an awkward time to start but at least they'll have somewhere to go!

Kamala attended a training class for child care providers and found it to be more frustrating and confusing than helpful. Her friend Bhula interpreted for her and also wants to work in child care and also found it very frustrating and confusing. They are going to talk with the job support staff at LSS to know what to do next.

Th-th-th-th-thats' all for now!

From Mike Darus:

Elvern asked me to check on Tika's phone. I went over today and put $25.00 on it. I also let Tika use my phone to call his friend in Florida -- eight minutes I never would have used on my own. Tika showed me his certificates. He also showed me his notes from his class in Nepal about the Hospitality Industry. His notes described everything from the different types of hotels, the names for sizes of beds, the organizational structure of the staff of a resort hotel... I was impressed by how hard the teachers tried to get him prepared for employment in the U.S. So we (Tika, Kamala, and Tera) took a field trip.

Our first stop was the Sheraton Crescent. We walked confidently through the conference center and into the lobby. I was hoping we could see a variety of employees in different work situations. However, we mostly saw subcontractors taking care of the landscape or doing construction. The concierge explained that human resources was at the rear of the hotel at the loading dock. I asked to talk to human resources. To my surprise, we were invited in without an appointment. She was busy but encouraging. I explained that Tika was a refugee. She asked if he had hotel experience. I offered the course. She suggested we call back to set an appointment late next week. Very exciting? A larger resort hotel like the Sheraton could have a good variety of entry level positions. It was clear that Tika's opportunities will parallel his language skills. We toured past some of the business traveler hotels.

We discovered that Marriott does all its hiring on line. So I decided to take Tika, Kamala, and Tera to my house to do some web browsing. We printed out some job descriptions for Marriott and the Sheraton. Then I had an idea. I knew how to get Tika safely behind the wheel to practice his driving.

The four of us piled back into my truck to go to the Community Church of Joy. There, Tika was able to drive our electric golf cart. As I guessed, he had never done anything like that. Every aspect was a new skill. I insisted that he use only his right foot for accelerator and brake. Just like any beginner he sometimes forgot to brake. One of the harder skills was learning to drive straight without over correcting each way. It was also important to learn to push the accelerator softly to go slow. Poor Tera was yelling "Stop!" and "Slower!" and "Turn!" No one fell out. We hit nothing. Tika is best at turning left so NASCAR may be in his future. It was a great day. I got them back home by 4:30 for Carla and Billie's lawn care lesson.

1 comment:

Mike Darus said...

Dear Kathy and friends
How are you doing? It is to keep you informed about Acharya familyʼs plans
and appointment and to be in touch with you
I have made appointment for Tika Kamal and Tara with Eye doctor at 6701N, 19th
Avenue at Glendale (south of Glendale) Valley eye care. This appointment is on
12/16/08 at 1:40 pm.
The Next day (12/17/08 )Tika and Kamal have their appointment with the dentist
at 5225 N 19th Ave # C Phoenix, AZ 85015 ,(602) 433-0313 and their time is
11.45 am .
Same day Uma and Purna have appointment with their eye doctor on 12/17/08 at
1:40pm, at same place i.e. 6701N, 19th Avenue at Glendale (south of Glendale)
Valley eye care.
I came to know that all girls can visit dentist after they have AHCCCS ie Mercy
care insurance, it can take a months or so to arrive
I will let you know if there are any changes on this schedule. I tried to find
doctorʼs office who accepts RMAP (refugee medical assistant program insurance)
near by their houses but I couldʼt find one. So I made their appointment at
mention places, sorry it can be little far away from their house but am quite
sure they will not have multiple follow up.
If you could give ride to attend this appointment, as always it would be
helpful. If they want I can be available at dentist and eye doctorʼs office
for interpretation
I have brought the school enrollment forms from Cortez and Cholla school for
the girls; hopefully we can do their enrollment on Monday ie.12/15/08.
Thank you so much for being there.
Please do let me know if there is any thing you would like to share.
With thanks and appreciation

Note: every one should bring their RMAP with them.
Any possible help would be helpful but if you busy please don't feel bad, i
will try to manage.
Thank you so much