Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday December 8, 2008. Dateline north Phoenix residence of the Bootsma's.

I picked up Tika at 1:00 PM. We went to visit some C-stores that I had been told were employment possibilities. None of them worked out and I got the impression that they would not be good places to be employed. It would be OK if you were an owner. The "girls" all have something going for Tuesday and Tika is free, so I am taking him to The Cresent Hotel in the afternoon to make an application just for practice. I read the note about LSS job placement services and the need to keep on their radar screen, so I will tell him that tomorrow.

Tika wanted to purchase a cell phone, so we stopped at Wireless Toyz and checked out various plans. Cricket is the best plan for him as he doesn't have a credit record. However, he had some incomplete information from other people and when he found out the amount of money he had to put up front he was not as interested. He thought it would just be the monthly charge and had not counted on the fact that he would have to purchase a phone.

I know they had some kind of a phone when they first arrived, could minutes be added to that?


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