Saturday, January 03, 2009

January 2 and 3

We picked up Tika and Kamala and proceded to pick up Ghanga to go to 15th St and Thomas to DES Office for cash assistance. When we arrived we were told that the case manager assigned to them was taking appointments for next week. Ghanga politely said that the directions in the letter did not say that. The receptionist seemed to blow it off. I was offended and said that as a taxpayer I expected that the refugee families needed to be treated with respect. Ghanga thanked me as we returned to the car and re-read the letter. Elvern will take them to the appointment on January 8th at 10:00 a.m.

Next we went to optometrist to see if their glasses were ready and they were closed on Friday. Then we went to the dentist and he also was closed on Friday! After I returned home I reflected on the three strikeouts and determined that they need to begin to keep business cards from each of their professional appointments and use their telephone to make and confirm appointments. I will look for a business card folder next week.

Ghanga hopes to provide us with additional information about GSI (?) Janitorial Service. She has heard that they are hiring. She also said that Nepali people tend to get hired when they show up with American friend rather that LSS case manager. Details to follow on this job prospect.

We picked up the Acharya family at 8:30. They were not quite ready. We learned that Uma is still taking a prescription given to her on December 21. ???? It seems like Purna is the pokey one!

The neighborhood children are frequently in their apartment, Wednesday night Elvern learned that Tonga loves basketball so we gave Tonga a Phx Suns basketball to play in the park. He may have well been the happiest boy in the complex!

We arrived at the parade route at 9:00 a.m which was two hours before the parade began. They loved hot air balloons --this may been the first time they saw them up close. Elvern and Tika walked to the staging area for an hour, so I got out the dominoes. They new how to play since Frankie and Emory had taught them. The girls are very good but it has difficult for Kamala. She really needs one on one time without the help of her children covering for her. Next we played Jacks, learned to play with the YoYo, and strategized very well with Connect Four game. I don't believe they had ever seen a parade in Nepal. The girls loved the flag twirlers in each of the marching bands. Tika and kamala siad the best part of the parade was the horses. We were exhausted after we got to their house around 3:00 p.m.

Tika is still having trouble with the $30.00 phone card. The line is always busy to Nepal. He was able to call Nepal when he used the 2:00 phone card which was good for 15 minutes. We don't know how to help. Will someone please take on this challenge? It is extremely frustrating for Tika. He wants to call his parents.

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