Monday, April 06, 2009

Carol and Mike
I also have the same concerns about water bottles.Does Trinity have large insulated jugs for gallons of water? If yes, that would be good. I'll add plastic cups to my list. I am not sure about the environmental gain....As we move into summer, I have asked for a glass or cold water rather than the Coke or tea. This will take some training. I do think that we should offer water bottles to those who hike up the hill.
Thanks Mike for taking care of water and Carol for the Soda.

Mike, I'll call Carla tonight about the application training and transportation for family at Woodbridge.

In a message dated 4/5/2009 11:29:39 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Great report. Today was a great day.

Please include Dil and Kunti Sunuwar at Woodbridge apartment 95 in the opportunity at the new hotel. Their phone number is 602-350-3631. The are strong Christians and seriously considering coming to Trinity. They have a son named Surya who is about 10.

Mike Darus
Jai Moosei

From: []
Sent: Sun 4/5/2009 5:01 PM
To:; Mike Darus;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Reflections on a Sunday afternoon

We are so blessed on this Palm Sunday to have the opportunity to celebrate with our dear friends from Nepal. Even though it was frustrating and as Krishna said "congested", what a blessing to outgrow our existing Sunday School classroom this morning. I think we should continue to plan for Sunday School next Sunday morning. We should have access to both sides for the room since the other class may have canceled for Easter. Thanks to our captain Mike for communicating our chair and space needs with the church office. Many friends have said that the class is most helpful in developing community for them and also learning the Easter story. My passengers said they believe in God and Jesus but had never heard the Easter story in Nepal church.

I am concerned about the # of drivers required each Sunday morning. I was hoping that all 12 drivers would drive without a weekly call. I didn't even see Bill or Stan today. Elvern finally delivered his second load from Thomas at 9:30 which is really too late to be walking into church. Any ideas????

Thanks to Ann for organizing the Sunday snacks. You might want to contact the folks who bring the Starbucks snacks. Are they going to do it regularly? If yes, Ann could just focus on obtaining volunteers for setting up plates, forks and possibly additional fruit. I hope I didn't offend you Ann when I said no this morning to your request to bring snacks. I believe setting and serving snacks to Nepal Sunday School could easily be project for another Sunday school class looking to serve. Any ideas??

Praise God for Judy Gose who is our newest volunteer. She will assist this week in transportation to the hotel for interviews on Wednesday, Details are listed below:

Tuesday a.m. Carla will pick up applications and make multiple copies
Tuesday Carla will pick up Acharya women and Helen will pick up Thomas women to meet at 4:30 p.m. at Camelback. We will work on accurate applications and interviews fro several hours.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Carla and Judy will meet at Camelback to transport to Nepal friends hotel.

Judy has also agreed to spend a morning/afternoon helping our regular church attenders with English at the Camelback appartments. She will work out details with Nepal women on Wednesday. She will also accompany me to the Arizona Teach In on April 18th to provide assistance to our six Nepal teachers who would like to begin the process to begin certified as a paraprofessionals or teachers in AZ.

I promised I would write about March 28th with Rati. As some of you may remember Elvern and my brother-in-law,Keith, were just appalled with her sparse apartment when they dropped off her family after church on March 24th. On Saturday we began our day by delivering the entertainment center unit from Carla's garage and a large TV from Elvern. We still need an antenna....Next we headed out to Shanti at 16th St and Indian School Road. Their speciality is used furniture donated from AIDS families. We started with lamps and tables and then let her pick the pictures for the walls. We also bought other items. The gentlemen were so compassionate that they allowed Rati to pick out the clothes she wanted and gave the children toys for free. The large train is fun but those darn batteries....And then they took Rosy in the back room and gave her two additional large tubs of kitchen items. They also gave us coupons for free loaves of bread at the bread store next door. It was tough decision to determine what flavor of jelly to buy for the bread.

When we got home it was just like Christmas with three new lamps etc. We discovered a nice toaster in on of the kitchen tubs. They raved about the toast and jelly and practically invited the entire north complex in to taste toast and jelly. Unpacking the treasures got more exciting when we found a hand mixer. We learned about plugging it and pushing the on switch as well as inserting and removing the beaters. The Nepal women were just amazed as turned it off and on many times. They all took turns! I am so anxious to stop in after work, invite all available Nepal women and bake Rati's first cake. It was a wonderful day and the best part was that Rosy and I got celebrate all this fun on our parent's anniversary. If they were living they would have loved to have been there as we were doing exactly what our mother had taught us about giving to those in need!

About the picnic on April 19th. We will need all our regular drivers and the committee to assist with driving to North Mountain Park at 7th St and Peoria. I have reserved a large ramada right next to the new playground.
Decisions and Communication
1. Accurate list of committee and drivers planning to attend.
2. We do not want to leave anyone out so please forward to all not on list so we have accurate count.
3. Invite Pastor Joe and Mark?
4. Invite Singles group?
Volunteer needs are as follows. Do we have funds? If yes, save receipts for reimbursement
1. Purchase and bring ice water bottles for 70
2. Purchase and bring ice soda for 70
3. Purchase and bring serving containers for chips etc for 70
4. Purchase and bring fruit for 35 in large serving bowls
5 Volunteer to run to nearby Frys to buy ice cream or ice cream bars after Sunday dinner. OR?????
6. Elvern and I will purchase and marinate chicken to grill for 70 and bring lighter fluid and charcoal. Emery we are counting on you helping at the grill!!
7. Elvern and I will also bring tablecloths,plastic forks, knives and plates

What am I missing??
Take care
Elvern and Helen

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