Monday, April 20, 2009

City of Phoenix Workforce applications
They are due at 5:00 on April 24 at the YMCA at 17th Ave and Missouri.
Completing applications was more difficult than I expected! Thanks to Judy Gose, Ann Greybeal, and Barb Campbell for helping . The four additional teenagers, who helped Elvern set up the grill and tables for the picnic, worked on theirs at my house from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. That makes 35 Butanese high school age refugees have had one experience at completing a difficult application. I am positive it was the first time for some like Tika Neopany!

Next steps
All of you can help by checking on the status of the high school applications submission as you travel to the various apartment complexes this week.
I might buy ribbons or QT 1:00 soda cards for those who actually submit on Friday and recognize on 4-26-09
They will be informed the week on May 4 if they make it to an interview. More celebration on May 10!!
The immediate or following Sunday students who were contacted for interview will have a Sunday morning breakout session regarding the interview process and protocol. Perhaps some practice interviews. We will need a separate room for this activity.

What did I miss?

In a message dated 4/20/2009 8:38:48 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Amazing time yesterday! Wow...thanks for all your hard work!

Let me know how I can help with getting the apps completed and turned in.

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