Friday, September 11, 2009
The Gospel through 2 Coke cans, a calendar, PBS and Dr. Phil:
I spent 4 hrs w/the Das family yesterday. Took them to the clinic and then hung out with them while I waited for 1-17 traffic to disappear. They taught me to make another form of roti, which is like a tortilla. That was too funny. Mr. Das's("D Daddy Das" ) roti was perfect, mine looked more like a deformed frisbee! This Julia Child cooking class gave us time just to bond and chat in which Mr. Das shared his heart and concerns. I admire him for thinking of ways to at least look for new jobs. 2 months ago I would bring him my Sunday's classified ads, for him to look for better jobs. He "didn't have time to read" then, but that's when he was working 5 days and Kumar was working 5 days .... money was good. Yesterday, he asked if "I would bring back paper to him". Last Sunday, I shared Jeremiah 29:11 with him. Yesterday, Mr Das talked about moving back to Nepal by saving up a lots of money to move back. Then he talked of Texas..yes Texas. They hear where other families have moved there and found jobs. After listening to him yesterday, I had him write that scripture on a piece of paper and asked Mr Das to start memorizing it and substituting his name or "the Das family" when ever "you" is mentioned in the verse. We wrote it out yesterday so he could tape it on the bathroom mirror. We also read Matthew 6:25 "Do not worry passage" and we read the 23rd Psalms. He's that's how we got to Jeremiah and Matthew. He, like so many of us is looking at the storm and leaning on his own understanding . I shared the story of Moses and how God made a way by parting the sea. Mr. Das knew that story, but we talked about how Moses didn't know that the sea would open up for him. I then asked Mr Das if he knew when the way would open up for him, and he said "why of course not"... you silly lady (my interpretation), then I told him to keep praying until it does! I took 2 Coke cans that were on the table, one was Egypt, where the people of God where slaves to bad people, and the other one was "A better place". I shared how the people wanted to go back to Egypt because it was familiar and easier to go back to what they knew. And then I tied in the story of how they followed God, through Moses and made it safe to the other side of the sea...then we reread Jeremiah 29: 11 again.
Then we watched TV and Tulasa started singing the "We are family" chorus, because we all were sitting together and I wasn't running off in a hurry to get home for my next task at hand. I left them watching Dr Phil, which had a family who was going through financial hardship during tough economic times. How stress was killing the family and the husband was making wrong choices, like taking the equity out of the home to gamble to make more money....which he lost.
While watching TV, I noticed a 2009 India calendar from the temple on 28th Ave & Maryland. I read about each of the "gods" that was highlighted for each month. I asked what they thought about each of them. I gingerly noted that they were made by man and were abnormally made. I asked if they thought that the God in heaven made them. Tulasa didn't believe in them, Mr Das was sitting on the fence. Mrs Das honestly answered "no" when I asked her if she thought they truly had the power to do what each of them were said to have. We talked about reincarnation and how some Americans believe that too, but with Christianity there was none. I asked him why would anyone want to came back to a bad place again. We talked about spiritual forces that do operate in the world that we can not see, that there were good and bad spirits. I reinforced Sunday's sermon about God being the Creator of the heavens and the earth. The half hour before Dr Phil's show, I have surfed the stations and we ended up on Channel 8 (PBS) that just happened to have a documentary on the universe and the galaxy... I used that to tell them that is what our God created. There mouths dropped and then I gently said that stone figures of half elephant/half woman, with 6 arms didn't make the universe...which lead me to talk about how an fallen angel was given power over the earth. It was a blessing, when I left there prayed for seeds to stay planted in their minds and heart.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Carol L
From: Carol
'Subject: possible job for Kamala Acharya
Hi all,
I got a call just a moment ago about Kamala’s application for a job at the new Drury Inn – opening in September at Pinnacle Peak and I-17. I’m going to go & pick her up tomorrow morning and we will call the man (general manager) back – he wants a phone interview to determine if he wants to bring her in for an in-person interview. Please PRAY. (I helped her put in this application online last Thursday.) This was a quick response and I think that’s a good sign. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!!!
Carol Langley
Dal Das, the father of the clan, is getting high pressure sales tactics from Anthem College to take a course in medical assisting for a mere $13,300, of course with the promise that he will be given loans to cover this. Dal has been very wise thus far in refusing to sign anything, but the salesman is relentless. He gave Dal the impression that it wouldn't cost him anything, but I called on his behalf to help him find the truth. His jaw dropped to the floor when we found out the cost.
Please pray for Kumar to be reassigned quickly and to have some gumption (an old Okie word) to get another job. Please pray for Dal to continue to be wise to resist the schemes of high pressure sales. Many of our friends are being enticed by the promises of loans to pay off school, cars, etc. We need to pray for their protection, as many of them don't understand credit, interest rates and the long term commitment they are making. One of our most educated friends approached me last week wanting to buy a car using his credit card, at 16% interest! He did not understand he would have to pay the interest. In all honesty, I actually did use a credit card to have a down payment on a car when I was in college but I had no other options and understood what I was doing!
Kudos to all of you for your service! Thank you for praying for these situations and so many others.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
After that deadend, we went to Ranch Market, which I am positive exceeded the fire code limit for customers. I have never been in a grocery store that was as crowded as this one. The boys were so hungry so we checked out two taco stands. At the first stand, I said we wanted beef tacos. The clerk said she didn't know if the meat on the grill was beef, but her manager had said it was beef, but again, she didn't even know if it was meat. Second taco stand, inside the store, I asked what a particular bin of meat was and again the girl said she didn't know what it was. No tacos for us today!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Except for Adhikari kids, please make sure all kids are signed in and out by their parents. Durga Adhikari can come in place of his dad. When Rati does not come, her oldest son can sign in/out the kids. ONLY ONE PERSON NEEDS TO COME FOR EACH FAMILY. It gets very congested at the sign in/out table and very confusing since the other childrens' workers don't know who is who.
Please, please, please release the parents to come get their kids at 11:45 or at the latest 11: 50 a.m. and then please remind them to go directly to get their kids.
Last Sunday I gave up after waiting for 20 minutes for the parents to come.
As of this Sunday, the other teachers will be waiting on the Bhutanese parents, so please let's respect their time as well by getting the kids out of there on time.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Carol Brady created a great display for the prayer focus. She reminded us to pray for the protection of our Bhutanese friends from people who would take advantage of them.
I delivered furniture for some new arrivals at Los Compadres apartments. Tika helped identified who needed the couch and recliner.
I was invited to the Neopany's. They were celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Grandfather's death. The sons shaved their heads except for a little whisp of a pony tail. They showed me a video of Nepal. There some some scenes of the camp as they got ready for an outing. They took a bus to a tea plantation. As they walked through the plantation, they found strawberries (?) on a strawberry tree(?). Also they found caramon (sp?). It is a pod with seeds in it that taste something like spearmint. It is available here. They gave me one to try. It's a great after-dinner mint.
The youth kickoff was lots of fun for 40 of the Bhutanese youth. There was about the same number of American youth. There was a 30 foot inflateable water slide, an inflatable boxing ring, and an inflatable bungee/joust. Inside, there was an mechanical bull. The Bhutanese youth participated in everything. There were ready to go home by 4:00 even thought the event went until 5:30. Transportation took almost two hours. Some waited in the heat for a ride.
At the prayer service, Carla, Iris, and I led in prayer.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
1) Only 1% of those in the world who live in refugee camps, who number in the millions, have the opportunity to take part in "third country resettlement" (they left their own country, are in a camp in a second country, and we are their third country). ONE PERCENT.
2) The wheels of progress moving someone like Tika Acharya from Nepal to Phoenix have been turning for years. The resettlement efforts started well before American greed poked a giant hole in the world economy.
3) It is our both our heritage as Americans who for the most part come from immigrant families (the exception being Native Americans) and our legacy that we build for our own children to believe that we are a welcoming nation. The Statue of Liberty is for all of us, including newly arriving refugees and other immigrants.
4) Federal policy exists, which also was established well before the recession, that dictates how many immigrants from how many countries are welcomed into the US each year. Refugees are not immigrants, as refugees have no choice and their very lives are at risk.
5) The most important reason we can hold as part of our Christian world view is that our God is beyond politics, economics and boundaries of nations. God is not part of American protectionism, Bhutanese "one country, one people" policy, or any other man-centered policy. God acts to bring people where He wants them, when He wants, by whatever means He wants to use. God does not seek permission from Arizona politicians, US congressmen, or from us. If we can hold a Christian world view over and above an American world view, then that allows us to rejoice that God has designed it that we only have to drive a few miles to have the privilege of being missionaries and we don't have to raise support, or leave our homes and families. Most importantly, people are hearing the Gospel of Truth and Liberty and Light, and are being called out of bondage and darkness. I don't claim to know God's purposes or His mind, but scripture reveals that God moves as God desires, and we get the privilege of being a part of His far reaching love for people.
Acts 17:24-27 NIV
24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us."
I can see God's hand in our work at TBC, and see that eternity is being impacted here. It's a privilege to see it happening in all of you and your relationships and efforts with our Bhutanese friends. Thanks for being faithful.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Pratap Rai got a job at Goodwill.
Champa Rai discovered the incredible bureaucracy of the MVD, when a clerk lost her I-94, security card AND state ID. Champa was so upset, as was her family. And she was scared, not having any documentation to prove her status. They refused to give her a photocopy of the photocopy that they had of the documents and told her she should be patient and they would call her if they found them. They found them, never called her, but when I took her this afternoon they returned all her documents. They had no plausible explanation of how they disappeared or where they were for 3 days. Inexcusable. Then they had the audacity to tell her to take a number in order to retake the driver's test! No way. I politely insisted that since she had already spent hours in their lobby over the last couple of days, the very least they could do would be to put her in the front of the line. People grumbled, but they did it. Unfortunately, she failed by one question! I think she was so relieved to have her documents back that it rattled her concentration.
Champa then went with me to Thomas to finish up some school shoes deliveries, but of course every time I do that there are more kids who need shoes and socks. But we visited with Bishnu Bhattarai and her family. Her father and sister work at Ranch Market. Her brother worked at the airport but quit due to health reasons. They are in a real bind as they have no health insurance and their mother really needs some medical attention for some chronic problems. Any ideas?
We visited Khanal's briefly to give Bhola some shoes, but didn't have his size. I indiscriminately handed out kid's shoes to the World Vision kids who hang out in the parking lot. They provided a good lesson for some of "our" kids who have shoes but want more shoes, since these kids were running around in tatters. It seemed to finally sink in for Homa Khanal, who constantly begs me for shoes, when she has perfectly great shoes. I thought I saw a little light go on over her head, but we'll have to wait and see.
I'm assuming Tika and her family will want a ride from Thomas to church. Just a thought.....all the Central High students could ride the bus since they all have free bus cards. That would alleviate quite a bit of the crunch.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
2) Champa Rai went to the ER with a racing heart beat, and is now wearing around a heart monitor. she was supposed to be resting today, but when I as there, there were at least 5 children in her care plus several adults in the house.
3) Yes, lost "soles"....four of our friends went job seeking, and ended up very lost with hot feet and no sense of direction, until they got off the bus at 35th and Peoria, and looked across the street to Trinity. But still they didn't know how to get home from there or more importantly, to the hotel they were trying to locate. I was returning Tara, Tika and Kamala home after visiting Cholla Middle School and we spotted them at the bus stop. So I dropped them off at the hotel, then came back for them after taking Tika to work, and after retrieving his bike for him.
4) That leads to the patient supevisor. Tika's supervisor came out of the building as I was locking up his bike for him, and I told him how much we appreciated him being a good supervisor for Tika. He said he was so sorry about Kamala, but that someone needs to explain to them that he, as the supervisor, has nothing to so with the decision. He said that on Sunday, Tika and family called him 20-30 times, asking for explanation. Wow. Some supervisors could consider that harrassment, and fire Tika. So, despite me telling Tika at least twice not to call Francis, someone else (MIKE?? EMERY??) needs to explain to Tika and family how inappropriate this was.
TBC folks outfitted over 40 kids with a variety of school supplies, shoes, backpacks and socks. WAY TO GO!!!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Two funny stories:
1. I took Mondip Sanyashi for vaccinations on Friday. He handled it like a champ, but didn't want to move his arms. As we exited the building he came to the door, which opened with a push bar. So I told him to push the bar with his hands. He studied it a quick second, then bent over and pushed it with the top of his head, keeping his arms still perfectly straight. Hilarious!
2. This one is on me: after the Food Value Club yesterday there was a half a ton of pears left and some bread, so we loaded it up with some bonus boxes and I delivered to various familes. It was so hot by 11:30 am but I didnt' want these pears cooking in my van so I was determined to get rid of everything. I saw Nishan Yogi's mom, who is deaf and has cerebral palsy, in the courtyard so thought she'd be a good candidate for the bonus box and lots of pears. I thought I did such a great job communicating if she wanted the box and then followed her a long ways to her apartment. I was so distressed about the condition of her apartment I actually had a dream about it last night. Everything was a mess, no decent furniture, all the couch cushions were missing. The kitchen was a shambles. But I found a small corner that was empty and left the box of food. I thought it was so sweet she pulled out one bag of chips and motioned that she was going to give them to Nishan, who wasn't home at the time, and off she went. Today I went back to the same apartment to deliver Nishan's school bag and supplies (and a cool cement mixer truck...he's only 4!) and found the apartment empty! Totally empty. So now I'm standing in the 111 degree heat wondering where on earth they moved and how could they have moved so fast??? As always, someone's radar was working and another Nepali came over and asked me who I was looking for. It took several minutes for me to understand.....that was NOT their apartment at all! That was Monorath's apartment and they had been in the process of moving out on Saturday!!! The Nepali man who was helping me also lives with Monorath and we had a good laugh when I explained that I had left the foodbox, and he told me he had wondered where the food had come from. He helped me to find Nishan's family and I delivered his bag of goodies, and they have a very nicely furnished apartment, by the way. Apparently some of the Sharma's live there, at least until they move to Oregon. So much for my nonverbal communication!!!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Here is a plan in attempt to structure the need to have harmony during the 1st hour (9A-10:30A) Children's Ministry that is held downstairs in the Education Bldg. It is our goal not to have any one person repeat in any given 3 months if 12 of use would participate in the rotation so no one is deprived of 9AM Adult worship service. One way of increasing volunteers other than ourselves, is to remember if anyone asks you if we need help or is there something they can do....BINGO....tell them to see me if they could do one Sunday of 1st Hr Children Ministry "Group Monitor" A copy of this will also be given to the Bhutan volunteers and I will call Carol Brady to make her aware.
Below are dates in which we need 1 American adult to volunteer to serve as" Group Monitor" . There will be 1 Bhutan adult volunteering along side with you.
"Group Monitor's" responsibility:
1) the kids are free to go downstairs from 8:45 am on, and need to be signed in by an adult & by grade level.
2) Our helpers will sit among the kids, or walk among the kids, during the large group time, and give them lots of reminders to give the leader their attention, stop talking, make sure only one at a time goes to the bathroom.
3) Move kids who are continually disruptive so that they are not sitting by their friends. We basically just want them attending to the songs and stories, and some need a lot of verbal reminders coupled with a physical touch like a hand on the shoulder, a pat on the back, something that gently gets their attention back to the leader.
4) during the free play time, it is imperative that the "Group Monitor" supervise the play area and make sure kids are sharing, being kind, not putting toys in their pockets. This is an active time.
5) there are some down time while the kids go into small groups in which you will stay on hand to handle any disruptions or questions from the teachers.
My commitment in this process is to:
1. Send out at the end of every month, the next month's schedule of volunteers, with phone # and email address
2. I will continue to resend an updated email (if needed) until all dates for a 3 month period is taken.
3. I will monitor any "rubber band" effect = (Carla &Elvren are back to doing it every week)
4. To pray for you the day you serve that God may be glorified, even in all the small things. We are in essence a part of the process of training up a child in the way they should go.
Your commitment to this process is to:
1. When life arise and stuff happens and you need to change a date, it will be your responsibility to call another volunteer on that month's list and switch with someone. If for some reason you are not able to make a switch, then notify me.
2. Notify me of a switch
Continue to be strong in the power of HIS might!
Iris....see below
Please respond doing the following:
1. You can not type in your name first then send the email.
2.. Reply to "ALL"
3. Scroll down into the body of the email and TYPE your name by the Sunday to volunteer
4. Send the email..... this way ALL will be able to see what dates are be taken up... as it is a 1st taken, 1st to Serve.
****** VOLUNTEERS NEED for the next months (JULY - SEPT 2009) ******
1. July 5: Iris Hedrick
2. July 12:
3. July 19:
4. July 26:
5. Aug 2:
6. Aug 9:
7. Aug 16:
8. Aug 23:
9. Aug 30:
10 Sept 6:
11. Sept 13:
12. Sept 20:
13. Sept 27:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We just wanted to share this news to you “World refugee day 2009 held at Washington DC ”. Thought you might be interested
Please find the link below,
Thank you
Ganga and Khagendra Baral
Monday, June 22, 2009
Also, I took the Ghimerey family to the annex and had to tell them over and over to take more clothes. They didn't want to take more than their share and wanted to make sure there would be enough for other families. Wow...that was refreshing! By the end, they hadn't taken enough, in my opinion, but wouldn't take more, so they were happy with what they were given. David was really happy to get the coleman water bottle and an ice tray, so he can take cold water on his job search. And they were happy to get an umbrella for their mom....
So although we are not picking up at Willowsprings, some families are finding their way to Camelback to be picked up. not a problem for me but just so you know.
Just fyi....
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Gave jhana Adhikari 10 bus tickets, only 3 were used.
Gave Tara Nepal 10 bus tickets, only 3 were used.
Received another request for family at Willow Springs to come to church.
kids in attendance: June 14
Nishan Jogi
Khem Kafley
Roshni Kafley
Elementary: We had our own class for the 11-11;45 time frame.
Bimal Adhikari
Yamuna Adhikar
Seema Nepal
Khina Adhikari
Homa Kanal
Purmila ??? came without parents, friend of ???
Hari Jagjai friend of Bimal Adhikari, came without parents, lives at Willow Springs
Vishma Chuwan
Bhupendra Chuwan
Sumitra Gurung
Dipendra Gurung
Dependra Rizal
Umesh Das
Suman Das
Kalpana Ghimirey
Judy Gose and Romesh Sharma were great helpers in second hour with the class. Teachers in first hour were very pleased with how much better things were with fewer kids and Elvern and I staying. However, Nancy Van der Ark said if there are more kids, there must be one more adult.
On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 2:02 PM, <> wrote:
Attached is the roster of attendance today.
The N is 75 friends
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I did not ask you last night to include me as a mentor since we were running late and never really discussed what that meant until briefly towards the end. However, I think I have a general grasp of the “job description”.
Therefore, I would like to be put down as a mentor to Shekhar and Januka Pokhral even though I will be out of state from June 14 to end of July or no later that Aug 14. I also include Bhola Shiwakoti and sons Achut and Yogya (12) as well as his wife Khina and mother Bishnu (or Khina’s mother?) who are not coming to Trinity. I will occasionally be in touch with them by phone and letter over the summer and am also committed to providing 2-3 monthly bus passes for June, July and August.
When Januka and Shekhar came to my house for dinner a week ago last Sunday some Ghimireys (Tek, Mina, Pabi & Kalpana) and some Khanals (Soma, Gita, Bhola & Kopila) also came. Bhola (16) was especially friendly and eager to help with all the loading, unloading and putting together of the bed for Bhola’s apt. What a neat young man! I’ll want to stay connected to them as well.
Just as a point of information: For the past 3 Thursdays I have been at the Shiwakoti’s & Pokhrals. First, we practice English for a couple of hours. (Thanks for the books, Carla.) The largest percentage of participants are the 19-20+ young men who are job hunting. Then we run errands. We’ve been to the Goodwill career center (Thanks for that info, Carla), the library for cards, the airport for testing, to pick up a small computer desk for a neighbor, and the Bead Museum and Cerreta’s with the “girls”. Don’t know what we’ll do this Thurs, my last until August. But we’ll have fun! Hope it will be productive.
Lynda Geames
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
June 9, 2009
Where do we go from here?
We do deeper rather than wider
- We invest in Bhutanese Leaders
- We offer a few families a financial and emotional safety net
- We encourage mentoring relationships
We go there more than they come "here"
- Fine ESL partners who are already doing it
- Plan small events at the complex
- Small group Bible studies
- Drive our friends where they need to go
We listen more
- Listen to the felt needs of our Bhutanese leadership team
- Listen for clues to their spiritual discovery
- Respond to specific needs based on their priorities
We build infrastructure at Trinity
- Finances - be generous
- Encourage and pray for our leaders
- Support ministries by sending or being helpers
- Pray for the new pastor
- Say thank you
Lean forward
- Think about a vision for the future
- Build partnerships with other churches and organizations
- Be faithful to fulfill our God-given responsibility
- Live within our resources
Next Steps
- Bhutanese Exposition - July 26
- Mentoring Training TBA
- Bhutanese Teacher Training - start process
- Abounding Services ESL at Restoration Church - Aug 1
Sunday, May 24, 2009
When Billy doesn't want to listen, call me I will listen. I had the pleasure of having the Das family over this afternoon. They were introduced to hot wings, and Tulasa took the lefts wings home...she's hooked now. Mrs Das is diabetic, which I was not aware of, so she couldn't join in on their 1ft Strawberry shortcake w/whipcream. It was the whipcream that blew them away. I didn't shake can first, then I shook it, and everyone one in the family (8) shook it, the you should have seen the look on their faces when I piled it up high!!
Mr & Mrs Das and I had a class on coupons. I showed how the Frys flyer works and how to reduce the cost w/coupon. Mr Das learned to turn the chicken on the grill. The Mrs Das, Kalpana, Kamala and Tulasa learned and saw the miracle of a dishwasher. Mrs Das was stun to see that the draw of dishes went in dirty and came out clean... "Where did it go?" she asked...
We had a great table discussion, about their transition from having their own seperate home to the camp. The kids watched Lion King. and Umesh had a birthday on the 16th, so we put 10 candles on the shortcake loaf before I cut it up for dessert. and sang happy birthday.
It was a great afternoon.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Next I went to the Das home and discussed Summer School for the boys with Dal and Kalpana. They thought that they may have received a paper in Suman's school bag but they lost it so the boys will not be going to summer school at Simpson. We discussed the 100 reasons why it was important. I told them I would go to Simpson on Wednesday after work and pick up multiple copies and we will discuss ELL Summer School during Sunday's class at the NNEX. I have a parallel pursuit with the AZELLA Division at the Arizona Department of Education about the under-served students at Simpson. Simpson will be monitored and investigated.
And last I went to the Basnet home. This was my first time in their home. If you recall the Basnets were one of the first families to arrive in Phx. Mr. Basnet has worked at Ranch Market for five months and actually had Sunday off from work so he was at Church for the first time on Sunday morning. They are the lucky parents of 4 wonderful teenage girls. Someone drove Mr. Basnet to Tucson today to attend the funeral of a grandfather (??). I went there to prep Chandrika Basnet and Dahn & Nandu Battarrai for their appoint with the Phoenix Workforce Connection Program for 16-24 year olds. At this point in time we have 3/32 students selected for interviews. They actually have a list of about 6 items to bring to the interview so we needed to discuss and make several phone calls about what document they should us for the birth certificate. They will use the I-94 card and the Permission to work in USA card. My biggest challenge was getting them to make the necessary phone calls. They have a great deal of fear and excitement about this new experience. Phx Summer Youth Employment is still making calls so let's continue to pray that a few more Bhutenese students have this opportunity..
I learned a lot about teaching our friends to fish this afternoon. Teaching them how to fish takes a long time. I had assumed that Champa would make the return call- she lost the phone number and was embarrassed to ask me for it. One can assume that all Bhutenese parents would be signing their children up for summer school - I was wrong. I assumed that the lucky teens who were contacted by Phx Summer Youth Employment had followed the directions and returned calls - they need a lot of encouragement to make those call. I only wish that we could have a mentor for each family.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hi Carla,
I have questions about what it is okay for me to do individually, and where I need to follow certain procedures.
1)–I assume that any donations should go through you (ie Trinity).
For example, I know that Januka and her husband have a tv but not dvd player. I assume it shouldn’t just buy them a dvd player.
We have a certain $ donation we want to make, especially since we will be gone for 2 ½ months this summer. Do I make out a check to Trinity re: Bhutanese, or do I just give you or Mike or someone cash?
At what, if any, point could donations and/or gifts be given directly to the Bhutanese. For example, Januka gave me a necklace from Nepal. I am a beader and plan to give her a necklace that I made, esp. since she’s NOT SINGLE! So, I’m assuming those kinds of gifts are okay.
. Well, I wish we had procedures, and we need procedures, but we're not there as yet. Most the team at various times have felt okay about buying an item or items for a family here and there. So you feel the freedom to do as the Lord leads, but just be aware that lots of requests will probably follow and it's also okay to say no. If you'd like them to have a dvd player but don't want that dynamic to come into play, I could deliver it since I deliver lots of the donations, and they won't have to know it's from you. Savers and Goodwill have dvd players sometimes. I think the beading gift would be really sweet and would be a great friendship gift directly from you. RE: giving, send it to the church and put on the memo line that it's for the refugee ministry.
2)I would like to make a commitment to Januka’s family, but I won’t be much help after June 10 until mid August. Are you formally or informally matching people up?
Until I leave, these are the things I assume I can do:
Take Januka and others grocery shopping, visit her home and answer questions about appliances, etc, work on English, invite the family to my home, take them on other outings.
That would be fantastic! We have seen God working out the connections as natural friendships arise, and it's a real encouragement to me personally when that happens! So you have the freedom to do as much or as little as your schedule allows, and then when you get back, God willing, we'll all be here and glad to see you। I bet they would get a big kick out of getting mail or postcards from you while you are away.
३3) I have no real feel at all on how to help people find jobs!
this is a tough area for sure. Shekkar might ask you to take him to GCA which is a cleaning company with its main office in Mesa. Lots of our friends work for them especially at the airport. He failed the english screening test but can take it again. GCA also has sites around the city which do not require passing the test. Those who are persistent tend to get jobs, though not always full time. GCA can take a few hours if he gets hired. Helen looks through the want ads. You could take them to a Goodwill service center and teach them to look for work themselves using the Goodwill resources. Also, I suggest taking them to the library to get a library card. Burton Barr branch has lots of ELL/ESL dvd programs they can check out. I have some ELL work books if you want to use any of them.
४)4Feel free to pass this on to someone else on your team if it is appropriate.
I will, because this encourages all of us to know that others are catching the vision and see a need and are ready and willing to step in!! I struggle every week with feeling like there's too much to do, and have to keep reminding myself it's not up to me in the first place! So .....God bless you for joining in the journey!!
So bottom line, if anyone asks how to help, IMHO we need to focus on hygiene, as this will severely impede their assimilation and job search if it's not up to standard, and the kids will suffer at school if they are dirty.
We have about exhausted our store of children's clothes for the under 10 year old crowd (which means sizes up to 8), and definitely the under 5 crowd, boys and girls.
We need underwear in missy/juniors/small; and mens underwear in boys medium/large and men's small, medium.
There are now several LARGE bags of donations and several large boxes of donations waiting to be sorted. Carol, perhaps Kamala A. and Kalpana and her daughter/daughter in law would like to help?
I am working on a system ......I got myself in a jam by taking notes on one family, then got surrounded by many more wanting more. Yesterday the new idea that circulated like wild fire was locking metal boxes for their documents. I wondered if this was because of the fear of the fires (the camps often had huge very destructive fires and folks lost their documents as a result) or just an idea someone had and everyone else liked? We want to be fair, above all, and not overlook people like the quiet Chuwans when other people are more vocal and assertive to get what they want or need.
I realize this is old news to some, but we have new team members (yea!).
I'm not sure what happened with the bus transportation today. Kamala & Kumar Das and at least onw group didn't get to Annex until 9:15A and a 3rd group arrived at 9:45A. I think Kamala Das said that one of the buses was late. Not sure what happened with the 9:45A group, nor which complex they came from. Stan it would be most helpful that you work with the Nepali transportation "bus" captain, the one that is designated to go on the bus, that they leave in one group and return in one group as much a possible.
Carla did a G R E A T job in explaining safety, 911 today....her flash card system was extremely helpful, she may not be an artist, but she got the message across very effectively.
Since this was my 1st visit in the annex class, I could see structure is (or has already been) starting to form. Anne and the Nepali women had the snack table set up and organized. Champa & Purna were on the job, by being at the snack table to help and assist.
The table for attendance and name tag was very helpful. Helen, that was the best idea for the day. To see the names was so helpful for so many of us that don't see the our friends on a regular basis like you and Carla. Awesome!!! Carol Brady and I kept a presence near the clothing distribution and never left it unattended, even when I was the only one in the Annex for 20 minutes, while Carla left to do the volunteer table, and Carol B hadn't come in from 1st hr worship. It is in the walking to the bathroom, or waiting in line for it that gets wandering eyes on the clothes. Carla helped with any distribution at the end of 2nd hr, which was working just great as they stood in line.
I left for my 2nd hr and missed Zach's worship and Barbara's teaching. How did that go?
I was truly blessed by a wonderful sight today. I had to go looking for Champa in 1st hr service, (not know she was in the nursery!) for her to return to the annex to interpret for Carla. The choir was singing, I sat own to scope the crowd. As I looked in the "normal" section of the church where our Nepali friends sit, I saw an elderly Nepali women, just gingerly clapping her hands to the music, with a sweet smile on her face. She was in a row by herself, with the exception of one American couple way at the other end. She was enjoying herself...she knew she wanted to be in that worship service instead of class. As we had discussed at our Wed night mtg, it should be their choice where to be during 1st hr, and that elder women spoke volumes to me today.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Judy asked for these websites, and I thought a few others might use them as well.
1) Many of our friends don't know how to write their names in english, especially quite a few of the women. This free worksheet maker allows you to type in anything and it will form it into a printable worksheet. One key is to have them start the lines on the yellow or bigger dots. That's important for future writing skills, I'm told.
2) The Dolch word list gives us the most commonly used words; flash cards can be made easily for those with some basic skills. There are progressive levels of difficulty. I think this would be a good project for some of the parents to cut and paste the words to make flash cards for their the Ram family, Tika's girls, Nepal family.
Also, just as an FYI, I learned that Hari Rizal's sister gets ASL tutoring once a week. We shared a special moment at the art museum when she was really drawn to a painting of a young boy who looked very sad. Krishna signed "boy" and I mimicked tears coming down my face, and she smiled and nodded and we put together the sentence about the sad boy together! It was cool. It exhausted my ASL knowledge but it was cool! She later went up to Sandy Boettger to show her the picture and signed to her about the sad boy. I need to let that teacher know she's making an impact!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I was just at the library, and picked up a flyer for Free English Classes. For May 2009, Classes will be held at Burton Barr Central Library Mondays & Wednesdaysr from 5:30-7pm (May 18 - August 7).
Registration is Wednesday May 13 @ 5:30.
I know that some of the Camelback Apt Dwellers use Burton Barr for the Computers, so it is not out of the question to go there for classes.
Burton Barr has both Beginning and Intermediate classes. Registration is required, and classes are limitted to 25.
For more information, call 602-262-4636.
Thery are also classes at Acacia Library (Registration May 18 @5;30).
If you don't know already, here is a suggestion for a very good job search engine that searches all jobs posted on the internet, by national zip codes. searches all the other job engines You select the job alerts you would like to receive on a daily or weekly basis. They have preselected job catagories, or a specific company or industry you would like to work fo or you can make up a more specific one by typing in the words with your skills, or key words.
I was quite encourge to see what was really out there, that you don't see in the newspaper or hear about via word of mouth etc. You can establish as many as you need. I had 6: accounting, sales, interior design, senior care, and by a specific salary amount. You don't have to be laid off to start looking, it a good tool to understand what the current job markets are looking for and terminology of today's requirements, and it saves on gas.
Truly hope it can help someone
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I learned something this week to soften my "harsh" tone about people contracting for the internet when they don't have money to pay their bills........Hari lets his neighboros use his internet, so they are able to be in touch with their family members around world. It's quite a community service that he provides and is so appreciated by his neighbors. He is employed and has sufficient income but it did help me see a different side to the choice.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
When we arrived at our pool, we heard many stories about swimming in the big river just outside of the camp.This is the same river that they did their laundry and took bathes. Sometimes the water was very dirty. The river mostly had fish and an occasional turtle or snake. They do not know how to swim even though they are very comfortable in the water. They will be anxious to swim again!!
We also learned about the three months before they left Bhutan. Tika was tortured and beat on his back while the soldiers demanded money from Kamala with a gun. She had no money to give them. This was a painful story for them to share. We also learned again about the soldiers chasing them through the forest while they trying to get to Nepal. Kamala was carrying baby Purna and there was no time to rest or available food or Purna.
Tika's mother called from Nepal tonight during dinner. It was a very emotional phone call due to the current conditions in the camp including terrorists and shootings. Tika's mother is 60 and father 75??. They might come to USA within the next year.
We are so blessed to have the opportunity to share our lives with this caring family.
Elvern and Helen
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Seems like everyone likes to eat rice.
If you don't see a familiar face,
Let me know and I'll add a space.
Even though we are limited to twenty,
in the end I think there will be plenty.
Okay, seriously, I've included those we've asked for and those who have attended regularly. There will be those who won't be able to come due to kids,jobs, or just don't want to, so there are extras listed. I'll wait til the end of the week to give out tickets and confirm the list face to face with our friends. We are targeting adults, out of high school, but certainly will take high schoolers if there are enough tickets.
Frankie wants to pick up at Woodbridge.
I can pick up at Thomas.
I am going to drive my van to the museum, as I can't be without a car in case there's an emergency at home, and if someone becomes ill or such, I can run them home as well.
Camelback Ladies:
1. Dhan Bhattarai B149
2. Ganga Bhattarai B149
3. Bahador Das, B120
4. Tulasa Das, B120 (could be either/or Kamala Das, depending on who stays home with the kids)
5. Tika Neopaney, B217
6. Indra Rai B2__?
7. Chandra Nepal, B218 (can't attend church due to work, but hubbie Tara is consistent and a leader)
8. Pabitra Basnet, A134
9. Champa Rai, B217 will serve as interpreter
10. Ganga Baral, A?? will serve as interpreter
11. Nandu Adhikari, B104 is likely working, but we'll try
12. Beda Basnet, B252
13. Sabitra Mishra, A152
14. Thali Kafley, B242, is likely working
15. Meena Kafley, B133 likely with kids
16. Chali Chuwan, B128
17. Batuli Sharma B219
18. Januka Pokhrei B50
19. Rati Gurung, B87
20. Indra Rizal, B17
21. Chandra Adhikari 252
22. Manu Dhungna 28
23. Gita Sapkota 114
24. Menuka Subedi 113
25. Rita Subedi 113
26. If extra ticket, Laxmi Basnet at CB 252. She's a high school student.
Call me if you have a lead.....602-540-8456.
Had a GREAT visit with Rhaman Giri ? at Thomas. What a nice man and such incrediby good english skills. longer story but was great to meet him. Also met Yadu, young man who said he's a Christian, went to an apostolic church in Nepal, knows lots of Christians from around the US who went to Nepal on missions. Wants an english Bible and a Nepalese Bible and wants a picture of Jesus. I wish I could have recorded our conversations. It loses so much in translation but their desire to love God was evident. Rhaman talked about the Holy Spirit even! Rhaman has no living room furniture at all, bare tile floors, no tv. Have beds and card table, dishes, etc. His brother is in the same situation. gave him the changing table just to have a shelf in the house.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This afternoon I found out that the Phoenician is hiring room attendants. The applications must be made online at
Does anyone have time to help Kamala do the app. at the library?
The people at GCA semi promised me that if there was another opening at Blue Cross she would have first chance.
…There’s been a lot of stuff that’s already gone the way of the garbage can or channeled to the thrift store and I won’t be insulted if you channel more in those directions!!!. It would be nice to somehow get the message across to those donating that this is not a garbage dump for stuff that’s unfit for human use. L L Grrr… But thankfully there are some nice things too. Thanks for all YOU do!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
There were 35 14- 20 year olds working on the application.
How many were in Mike's class? 60???
How many in the Nursery/Sunday school for children? 10??
We all survived yesterdays picnic with various stages of exhaustion and exhilaration. I believe Carol Langley was close when she said there had to be close to 120 attendees at the picnic. Thank you to everyone on the team for assisting in so many wonderful helpful ways.
I was the last one to leave the park and I have two items that belong to someone:
Big orange jug - Is it from the church kitchen?
Handy pocket pliers. you will need to provide the brand name to claim it. It is not a Leatherman.
Review the roster and send your corrections. There are gaping holes!!!!!
Elvern and Helen
Hi Helen! Thank you for always being so gracious toward me in my impatience and general peskiness when it strikes. I know I test you at times, but you always just smile and shrug and go on! I'm working on my perspective, which is overwhelmed right now.
the pliers are my dad's ...don't have a clue what brand but my niece bought them for him for Christmas, if that counts as anything. He did ask about them.
did anyone find $20 bill on the ground?
I have very mixed emotions about the overwhelming numbers, very sad emotions about the response I got from Zack in trying to engage him with our Bhutanese friends. I can not keep going at the level I've been going... Billy is having a significant set back and I've got to pull back. Today I was gone 7 hours to Mesa ending with two guys getting jobs, but I can't do that again. So as you talk to folks, if my name comes up as someone to help them get a job, take my name out of the loop. I am getting tired and not responding graciously when our friends complain to me that I am not helping enough. I need to build relationships with a few people, if that is even possible. I can't take people for jobs anymore, which is a sad thing since they all need them so desperately. I will follow up with any youth re: applications. I don't really know how to get Judy started on ESL .... not sure what her experience and/or expectations are. Ideas?
Again, you two did an amazing job and I heard good things today from some who enjoyed the picnic and hike a lot.
Ok the pliers belong to your Dad
I can understand about exhaustion. I was committed to this project from 7:30 a,m, until about 6:00 after I brought the kids home after applications at my house. Again today Elvern spent 3+ hours with the Acharya family on hotel applications and they will go for interview tomorrow. Elvern thinks one of them might get hired at the American Hotel just S of the Sheraton on Dunlap. Keep on praying.
Who got jobs today in Mesa?
Regarding the picnic, I sort of felt like a caterer who did not have a moment for person interaction with guests- the masses at the picnic.
You need to limit your time to xx (reasonable) hours per week to take care of yourself and your family.
Good night
Dilli and Lila Rizal, brothers, got jobs with GCA at the airport. Lila starts today, Dilli sometime soon. There is another opeining for a daytime shift if anyone wants to take Devi Bhattarai since he could possibly pass the test.
They are due at 5:00 on April 24 at the YMCA at 17th Ave and Missouri.
Completing applications was more difficult than I expected! Thanks to Judy Gose, Ann Greybeal, and Barb Campbell for helping . The four additional teenagers, who helped Elvern set up the grill and tables for the picnic, worked on theirs at my house from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. That makes 35 Butanese high school age refugees have had one experience at completing a difficult application. I am positive it was the first time for some like Tika Neopany!
Next steps
All of you can help by checking on the status of the high school applications submission as you travel to the various apartment complexes this week.
I might buy ribbons or QT 1:00 soda cards for those who actually submit on Friday and recognize on 4-26-09
They will be informed the week on May 4 if they make it to an interview. More celebration on May 10!!
The immediate or following Sunday students who were contacted for interview will have a Sunday morning breakout session regarding the interview process and protocol. Perhaps some practice interviews. We will need a separate room for this activity.
What did I miss?
In a message dated 4/20/2009 8:38:48 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Amazing time yesterday! Wow...thanks for all your hard work!
Let me know how I can help with getting the apps completed and turned in.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Jhana Adhikari Need Job Pain in back, head, and hands
Kumar Sick
Kaplana Sick
Batuli Need Job Sick
Deepak Sick
Roshni Need Job Sick
Ranjana Sick
Himal Rai Soon recovery
Sabitra Mishra for sick back pain
Dana for good health
Shanker for good Job
Pabita Basnet for sick for body pain
Beda Basnet Sick
Deperna for good health
Rati for good job
Hari Sapkota for good health
Tika Acharya for good health
Rita Dahal pray for my sister in Nepal who is sick for months
Arjun Dahal Pray for the jobs. Let Jesus helps us to find the jobs
Bishnu Rai My sister is suffering from chest pain in Nepal. She is taking medication. Please pray for her. Champa
Narapa Tikhanal Asthma
Theli Kaflay
Roma Kaflay
Tara for good job
Hari good job
Om Subadi prayer for job
Gorjaman Khatiwada prayer for job
Laxmi Mishra for job
Tulasa for job
Kamala for job
Oh Almighty God, we want a nice job. My job is also not good. I want a nice job. I always pray you. Please help us God.
Kul Basnt for job
Ganga for job
Pralad Mishra job seeking
Manymaya Dhungnana need for job
Irishor Bhattrai my father has no job (Dani Bhattrai)
Thali Kafie need job
Indra for job
Sharma Bhuwan I want fo pray for job
Tara Bhattarai I want to pray the God for that I will get job ver soon.
Ram Dhuryana for job
Kamal I need job
Devi Bhattarai In need of job and everyone those who resides in Arizona
Chandra Adhikari for job
Bhola Shiwakoti I like job
Yadu no job
Cindrilla Basnet my sister has no job from Susma Basnet
Laxmi Basnet my sister has no job from Susma Basnet
Theli Kaflay in Nepali
Roma Kaflay in Nepali
Tilak Chand
Roshni Rajana
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I downloaded 30 applications for 14- 24 year olds to apply for summer work through a city of Phoenix job training grant. When I spoke with a few of Camelback friends this afternoon they asked if we could do it during 10:45 Sunday School Class. Mike, we will start with the big class and then break out with information and instructions on the application which is due April 24th. Do you have any ideas on where we could take the "breakout" group? I expect I may need 15-20 chairs. Are there tables in a back room at the bike shop? We decided at Camelback this noon that this activity would not be effective to do at the park.
Please note I am calling this an opportunity and not an issue or challenge.
Judy, please plan to solidify plans with Camelback friends to meet them this week. I mentioned that you are anxious to assist with English skills and they are ready.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Action and Communication
1. Please inform the group if you are not driving/attending
Mike G, Duane A Stan P, Iris H, Carol, Vilma, Mark O Judy G, Carla (2), Greybeals (2)
Campbells (2) Darus (2) Brown (2) Bootsma (2).Giebinks (2?) Raybadas (2?) Simmons (2) Langley (2)
2. Invite Pastor Joel?
3. Inform our guests that we will eat first and then hike.
4. We will not need lawn chairs but if you have room in your trunk you may want to bring a few.
5. For this picnic you are encouraged to bring table games not lawn games
6' Bring sun screen as necessary.
Confirmed items are listed below:
1. Mike and Carol L- Volunteered to bring ice water bottles and Trinity water jugs/coolers for 70
2. Carol L- Volunteered to bring ice soda for 70
3. ??????Purchase and bring veggies-- chips etc for 70
4. Carla - Volunteered to bring fruit
5 Carla - Volunteer to run to nearby Frys to buy ice cream or ice cream bars after Sunday dinner.
6. Frankie - Volunteered to prepare Fruit Cobbler
7. Elvern - Marinate chicken to grill for 70 and bring lighter fluid and charcoal (did not volunteer)
8. Emery and Elvern will leave Trinity at 11:45 to start the grills at the park.
9. Helen - bring tablecloths, plastic forks, knives cups luncheon and dessert plates, & napkins
Submit receipts for Trinity reimbursement as necessary
What am I missing??
Take care
Elvern and Helen
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Dear Friends,
This year has become old enough to book all our meaningful involvements to this day during the year 2065 in our memory lane. Many of us very new while others have celebrated their 1st anniversary of our coming to the US. There are those who have made history and can be called our legends. The catch phrase "economic depression" in our new homeland is grinding many of us. It is testing us all in our endurance to see our life change and bear fruits from the debries of hopes nurtured for over eighteen years. Let us believe in ourselves to usher in a new era of development,peace and prosperity. May the year 2066 bring us all the joys of living a defined and dignified life. Let us also contemplate the sincere and the hard works that Fr.Dann, Fr. Jeff, Ms.Carolyn Manning, Ms. Carla and Mr. Rameshwor Adhikari have been doing for many of us and pray almighty that their philanthropic zeal be recognized as their humble service to God and humanity. Let us also pray that the agencies helping us settle in the US receive the blessing of all concerned through which their mission will remain accomplished.
"Happy New Year 2066".
With prayers,
Tek Bir Chhetri
Saphala Chhetri
Bhuvan Chhetri
Viktshya Chhetri
from Carla
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I downloaded 30 applications for 14- 24 year olds to apply for summer work through a city of Phoenix job training grant. When I spoke with a few of Camelback friends this afternoon they asked if we could do it during 10:45 Sunday School Class. Mike, we will start with the big class and then break out with information and instructions on the application which is due April 24th. Do you have any ideas on where we could take the "breakout" group? I expect I may need 15-20 chairs. Are there tables in a back room at the bike shop? We decided at Camelback this noon that this activity would not be effective to do at the park.
Please note I am calling this an opportunity and not an issue or challenge.
Judy, please plan to solidify plans with Camelback friends to meet them this week. I mentioned that you are anxious to assist with English skills and they are ready.
Thanks Mike for clarification on some important questions.
I have some concerns and comments. I will try to incorporate them in italics iwithin each of your points.
In a message dated 4/13/2009 5:56:14 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Over a week ago Helen posed some questions. I delayed answering them
until we had our meeting with the elders. There will be another meeting
this Tuesday night the 21st. These are ongoing issues that will require
flexibility and creativity as our resources and situation changes.
Sunday Morning Class Space
Helen-- One of the solutions is to channel many of the teenagers into Zak's class at 9:00 and then they could worship at 10:33. Is Zak prepared to welcome 20 Nepal teenagers in his class? Perhaps Purna and Uma could describe the perceived barriers and that would help everyone including our need for space. It is important for them to be integrated into the youth group. This could have a significant impact on some of our space concerns.
We are still considering options. The Worship Center is open to us
second hour. There are more rooms available first hour than second
hour. This is complex. It may change weekly. As of today, we meet in
the same class Sunday.
Helen--- Please talk again to the Woodbridge families again. Elvern did both pick up and return. They are very concerned/confused about the information that they received from you and Tika. They told Elvern that they could not attend Sunday services or the picnic at noon due to the fact they will need to take the bus. Perhaps one more visit. It was news to Elvern on Sunday so he could assist in the explanation.
We are doing great with personal vehicles but we need a better solution.
For most of our friends, it seems like a good solution is city buses. I
have tested the idea with a couple of them and received a positive
response. At first I was very hesitant, but I think it can work well.
Initially, we will have one person at each apartment complex. Those who
want to come to church will meet at a designated bus stop. The person
from Trinity will hand out one-day bus passes. If possible, we will
also have someone at the transfer point. If there are long layovers we
can offer water. This actually can greatly expand our capacity while
keeping it personal. The added benefit is bus training! We may still
car pool the return trip. They will have the added benefit to use the
bus passes the rest of the day.
This will take a couple of weeks to roll out. George Mann is working on
bus passes.
Helen---Your recommendations are excellent. As you may recall I sent out the message yesterday regarding the family who provides the Starbucks snacks. They are currently very happy to continue bringing the day- old snacks. So we currently have sweet cakes and goodies covered.
Anne Graybeal has snacks lined up for us for the next month. The ideal
would be if Kamala and some of the women could take on the set up. If
they consider it their class, they would naturally take on the hostess
role. If we are the host, it will likely be more difficult for them to
be hostess. We gain a lot if they consider it their class.
Helen-- I will send a separate email about the picnic. I really need each of the committee members to assist by purchasing the items on the list I sent earlier. I have spent about $50 on chicken and still need to but some other items. I intend to submit the receipts and I hope others will as well.
Please continue to turn in receipts to the office. We don't want our
volunteers to bear too heavy of a burden.
We are transitioning from a class project to a church ministry. It is
an exciting time but full of challenges. Keep praying for our Nepali
friends and our continued effort to be Jesus in their lives.
Mike Darus
good points....I'll add only a few...
I tried to funnel the teen boys...they wouldn't go to the class. said they didn't like it. Doesn't mean it couldn't happen, it just didn't happen that day. Since their culture is not strongly parent centered authority, I don't expect any help from the parents with the kids. Same with the children...Sumitra, Keena, etc. That adds 5-7 to our space issue. Yes, I think the ladies should start hostessing and would enjoy it just like Tika likes being a part.
I can purchase and cool sodas but will need them transported in someone's vehicle so I have room for carseat storage in mine when I"m running adults. Mike or Emery can we use your truck? I have coolers.
I'll go to Fry's for ice cream.
A request was made for music and dancing. Any concerns/objections? Many of the songs I've heard are love songs, not Vishnu songs.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I also had a sad discussion on the way to church with Tilak Kafley who emphasized why they worship Jesus and they believe in Jesus: because they believe Jesus was one of the many reincarnations of "Lord Vishnu". There is a current reincarnation of Vishnu living in TEXAS, of all places. It was a good reminder to me that we need to ask questions as well as to teach, or we may miss what they are believing.
Please pray for Seema Nepal, age 5, the little girl who wears her hair pulled up onto her head. she was admitted to St. Joe's yesterday with serious infection coming from her rotten teeth. Her face was so swollen one eye was swollen shut and she could barely move her mouth. She may require more than oral surgery if the infection spread to her sinuses. She was supposed to have been taking antibiotic for the last three weeks but her parents thought it was only for pain so they only gave it when she complained of pain. This is a serious issue we need to address as a team re: how to help them navigate the medical system. Rati Gurung also did not follow directions for the same reason; and the Rai family at Glenrosa had a long stay in the hospital because of medication errors. Speaking of the Rai family, does anyone connect with them regularly? I feel like since they are believers we need to pay special attention to them, but I know I rarely see them. I realize language is a barrier.
thanks for all the hard work, lots of miles driven and lots of furniture moved that you all do!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Stopped in there this evening. Dipendra has a fever and is refusing to drink, so I'm assuming is dehydrated, thus the fever. he has been taking his antibiotic. I bought him some more ice pops and "read him the riot act", as the saying goes, about drinking lots of fluids, eating lots of ice pops and being obedient to his mom. Two fortunate things God designed: a really good interpreter who mimicked my exaggerated hand gestures and Billy was there to give testimony to more than 60 surgeries and how important it is to listen to mom. Rati replied that Dipendra runs all over the place, locks himself in the bedroom, won't listen. I was really direct with her and said NO tv, no toys, no running with friends, put him in the bedroom for five minutes and keep him there. Billy and I took the lock mechanism out of the door knob since we couldn't find a quick key for the button lock. I'm sure he'll just lock himself in the bathroom or other bedroom but at least he can't access his toys behind a locked door. I emphasized dramatically how this is for his safety and well being, that he has to learn to follow directions. I commiserated with her about being a single mom, but kept telling them she has to be in charge. I also told her that he desperately needed a bath as he hadn't had one in at least week. I think she feared making him sick by making him bathe. Even the Catholic Social services case manager gave her bad advice saying that Dipendra just needed to chew gum to exercise his jaw and he'd be okay. So I left them with children's tylenol, gatorade and popsicles and will hope things are better tomorrow. Pray for the little guy to stay out of the hospital and to start developing some obedience.
Also, just so you all know, Carol Brady is "Missionary of the Month" as she has been spending hours and hours with Bhattarais' this week on Easter, showing various Jesus films and narratives, talking late into the nights. Pray for her to have lots of energy and wisdom as she extends herself and gives such a clear testimony of Easter.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
We recognized that we needed resources beyond just the two classes so we distributed a list of furniture and other items to the congregation on Sunday mornings. We also collected some monetary donations and were offered more financial assistance from the Harvest offering. This enabled us to furnish the apartment at Dunlap and 35th Ave. beautifully and do some nice extras.
In early November we learned that the members of our family were refugees from Bhutan who had been living in a refugee camp in Nepal for 17 years. For 17 years all they had was a bamboo hut and free food from the United Nations. They were not allowed to return to Bhutan to their homes. They were not allowed to work or be integrated into Nepal. Their children had no future. In seven refugee camps there were over 100,000 people without a country and with little hope. Before November, no one in our team had any idea about this situation.
We met the Acharya family on November 18. We also noticed that there were other Nepali families who were already here. Then we began to realize how much there was to do. There was so much to show them -- even how to turn lights on and off. Our team spent hours every week helping with trips to the doctor, showing them how to shop at our grocery stores, taking them to the zoo, applying for jobs, or just hanging out.
At Christmas, we again asked for help from the congregation to provide Christmas presents. By this time, we had also been introduced to the Bhattarai family and were able to include them in Christmas. We included the two families in our families’ Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and social activities here at Trinity. Our team even enabled four teens to go to Winter camp.
We soon discovered that Tika Acharya was a networker. He was telling all his friends that Trinity Bible Church was a place where Americans cared about Nepalese. Since Tika was coming to church, he asked for us to give his friends rides too. The Super Bowl party was a turning point. We had 50 Nepalese attend. We were able to show them a DVD presentation of the gospel in their language and God provided a Christian pastor from Nepal to speak to the group at half time.
Through January, more families started attending Trinity worship services and adult Sunday School. We wondered how much they understood. We also recognized that we needed to do more to help them with their English. On February 9 we held our first ESL/Sunday School class. We put together a transportation plan with cars and drivers. We are picking up families from 35th Ave & Dunlap, 19th Ave & Camelback, 23rd Ave & Glenrosa, and I-17 and Thomas. We increased to about fifteen teens in youth Sunday School, about the same in Children’s, and fifty adults. The Sunday before last the missions MLT helped us hand out Nepali Bibles. We also hand out copies of The Message. Women’s ministry has about twelve women signed up for their next event. We have over 100 on our contact list.
Currently, we are committed to fully adopt the Acharya family. Recently we made a limited commitment to the Bhattarai family. Seven new members of the Bhattarai family arrived two weeks ago. We were able to furnish an apartment for them. We are also distributing sundries collected by the Women’s Ministry. The Singles Ministry have shifted their outreach efforts from the Burundis to the Nepalis. This last Sunday the Singles helped distribute clothing they had collected. The Singles also helped put together a picnic at Cactus park last month. We are planning our next monthly social on April 19 at North Mountain Park.
In addition to the Nepali Bibles, the Missions MLT has also ordered the Jesus Film in Nepali. This week they approved an annual budget of $2000 for interpreters for adult and children’s classes.
What started as a class project has become a church ministry involving every ministry at Trinity. World missions is at our doorstep. We are introducing people to Christ who know almost nothing about Him. They have never heard of Adam & Eve, Moses, The Ten Commandments. They have never heard the Lord’s Prayer. They have never read the Bible in their own language. They had never prayed for the sick. They come from a country where the there is no Christian witness--where until recently missionaries and pastors were jailed or worse. They see some similarities between their Hindu beliefs and Christianity. They are only beginning to grasp the differences and the radical change that Jesus wants for them.
The word is that there will be over 10,000 Nepali refugees in Phoenix by the end of 2010. We have met families that do not have a church sponsor. They have no beds, they have no way to get the doctor; they are confused by our kitchen appliances; they think the bathtub is for doing laundry. We have no illusions that Trinity can handle this on our own. But we do believe that Trinity is being offered an opportunity to demonstrate and communicate Christ’s love to Nepali refugees. We can be a model for other churches. Part of our vision is to challenge other churches to join us.
I am amazed by our small team. We did not know what we were getting into but we have just the right mix of gifts and passions and availability. Some have time to give, others have organizational skills. So far, as we stumble into this, we seem to be doing things right. We are at the right place at the right time to meet a need. More than anything, we are doing the relationship thing right. We love our new friends. We enjoy being around them. I am pretty sure that they see Jesus.
It is hard to see where this is going. Everyone who becomes involved lights up emotionally and spiritually. But we are hearing a little push back. We are disrupting some things. Not everyone in the congregations understands what is at stake. Trinity is at a fragile moment as it makes a very difficult and complex transition. But everything about this experience feels right to me. We have not targeted Nepali refugees for conversion, yet they are being drawn to Christ. Our mission was to help them in tangible ways. It has become much more than that. They are our friends –maybe even our family. We believe many will become our bothers and sisters in Christ. We don’t know how long this opportunity will last.
Monday, April 06, 2009
I also have the same concerns about water bottles.Does Trinity have large insulated jugs for gallons of water? If yes, that would be good. I'll add plastic cups to my list. I am not sure about the environmental gain....As we move into summer, I have asked for a glass or cold water rather than the Coke or tea. This will take some training. I do think that we should offer water bottles to those who hike up the hill.
Thanks Mike for taking care of water and Carol for the Soda.
Mike, I'll call Carla tonight about the application training and transportation for family at Woodbridge.
In a message dated 4/5/2009 11:29:39 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Great report. Today was a great day.
Please include Dil and Kunti Sunuwar at Woodbridge apartment 95 in the opportunity at the new hotel. Their phone number is 602-350-3631. The are strong Christians and seriously considering coming to Trinity. They have a son named Surya who is about 10.
Mike Darus
Jai Moosei
From: []
Sent: Sun 4/5/2009 5:01 PM
To:; Mike Darus;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Reflections on a Sunday afternoon
We are so blessed on this Palm Sunday to have the opportunity to celebrate with our dear friends from Nepal. Even though it was frustrating and as Krishna said "congested", what a blessing to outgrow our existing Sunday School classroom this morning. I think we should continue to plan for Sunday School next Sunday morning. We should have access to both sides for the room since the other class may have canceled for Easter. Thanks to our captain Mike for communicating our chair and space needs with the church office. Many friends have said that the class is most helpful in developing community for them and also learning the Easter story. My passengers said they believe in God and Jesus but had never heard the Easter story in Nepal church.
I am concerned about the # of drivers required each Sunday morning. I was hoping that all 12 drivers would drive without a weekly call. I didn't even see Bill or Stan today. Elvern finally delivered his second load from Thomas at 9:30 which is really too late to be walking into church. Any ideas????
Thanks to Ann for organizing the Sunday snacks. You might want to contact the folks who bring the Starbucks snacks. Are they going to do it regularly? If yes, Ann could just focus on obtaining volunteers for setting up plates, forks and possibly additional fruit. I hope I didn't offend you Ann when I said no this morning to your request to bring snacks. I believe setting and serving snacks to Nepal Sunday School could easily be project for another Sunday school class looking to serve. Any ideas??
Praise God for Judy Gose who is our newest volunteer. She will assist this week in transportation to the hotel for interviews on Wednesday, Details are listed below:
Tuesday a.m. Carla will pick up applications and make multiple copies
Tuesday Carla will pick up Acharya women and Helen will pick up Thomas women to meet at 4:30 p.m. at Camelback. We will work on accurate applications and interviews fro several hours.
Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Carla and Judy will meet at Camelback to transport to Nepal friends hotel.
Judy has also agreed to spend a morning/afternoon helping our regular church attenders with English at the Camelback appartments. She will work out details with Nepal women on Wednesday. She will also accompany me to the Arizona Teach In on April 18th to provide assistance to our six Nepal teachers who would like to begin the process to begin certified as a paraprofessionals or teachers in AZ.
I promised I would write about March 28th with Rati. As some of you may remember Elvern and my brother-in-law,Keith, were just appalled with her sparse apartment when they dropped off her family after church on March 24th. On Saturday we began our day by delivering the entertainment center unit from Carla's garage and a large TV from Elvern. We still need an antenna....Next we headed out to Shanti at 16th St and Indian School Road. Their speciality is used furniture donated from AIDS families. We started with lamps and tables and then let her pick the pictures for the walls. We also bought other items. The gentlemen were so compassionate that they allowed Rati to pick out the clothes she wanted and gave the children toys for free. The large train is fun but those darn batteries....And then they took Rosy in the back room and gave her two additional large tubs of kitchen items. They also gave us coupons for free loaves of bread at the bread store next door. It was tough decision to determine what flavor of jelly to buy for the bread.
When we got home it was just like Christmas with three new lamps etc. We discovered a nice toaster in on of the kitchen tubs. They raved about the toast and jelly and practically invited the entire north complex in to taste toast and jelly. Unpacking the treasures got more exciting when we found a hand mixer. We learned about plugging it and pushing the on switch as well as inserting and removing the beaters. The Nepal women were just amazed as turned it off and on many times. They all took turns! I am so anxious to stop in after work, invite all available Nepal women and bake Rati's first cake. It was a wonderful day and the best part was that Rosy and I got celebrate all this fun on our parent's anniversary. If they were living they would have loved to have been there as we were doing exactly what our mother had taught us about giving to those in need!
About the picnic on April 19th. We will need all our regular drivers and the committee to assist with driving to North Mountain Park at 7th St and Peoria. I have reserved a large ramada right next to the new playground.
Decisions and Communication
1. Accurate list of committee and drivers planning to attend.
2. We do not want to leave anyone out so please forward to all not on list so we have accurate count.
3. Invite Pastor Joe and Mark?
4. Invite Singles group?
Volunteer needs are as follows. Do we have funds? If yes, save receipts for reimbursement
1. Purchase and bring ice water bottles for 70
2. Purchase and bring ice soda for 70
3. Purchase and bring serving containers for chips etc for 70
4. Purchase and bring fruit for 35 in large serving bowls
5 Volunteer to run to nearby Frys to buy ice cream or ice cream bars after Sunday dinner. OR?????
6. Elvern and I will purchase and marinate chicken to grill for 70 and bring lighter fluid and charcoal. Emery we are counting on you helping at the grill!!
7. Elvern and I will also bring tablecloths,plastic forks, knives and plates
What am I missing??
Take care
Elvern and Helen
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
please share this to our friends at Trinity church.I just got this from Khagen.
rest every thing is fine.
miss u
--- On Wed, 4/1/09, Baral, Khagendra
From: Baral, Khagendra
Subject: FW: Documentary showing of Baral Family
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 8:41 AM
Budi see our carly documentary.
Khagendra Baral
Adjustment Case Manager
Catholic Charities
Refugee Services
Phoenix Region
1825 W. Northern Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Phone: (602) 749-4451
Fax: (602) 870-3891
From: Morales, Joanne
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 8:28 AM
To: P Refugee
Cc: Mascaro, Carrie; Egan, Tom
Subject: Documentary showing of Baral Family
. Hi Everyone,
I have provided below a link regarding the showing of the documentary of ASU student Carly Campo.
Carly has been following Khagendra Baral for the past few months and her documentary will be shown on April 10th.
I would like to thank Khagendra for his willingness to share his experience in order to educate others. Information about the documentary showing is listed below.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Thomas apartments are the worst I've seen for our friends. Pray that Catholic Social Services will move this sweet family to a better location. This mom needs a mentor with lots of time. Any ideas?